lunes, 13 de abril de 2015


Arraigo Residence Permits

Under the category of temporary residence permits on the grounds of exceptional circumstances, foreigners may obtain the following residence permits for social integration (arraigo):

  • Arraigo laboral- This procedure applies to foreigners who have legally and continuously resided in Spain for at least two years, have no criminal record, and can prove to have worked for at least six months. 
  • Social- This procedure applies to foreigners who have legally and continuously resided in Spain for at least three years.  They must fulfil the following three requirements:

  1. Have no criminal record
  2. Submit a work contract signed by both the employer and the employee with the application. The contract must be good for at least one year.  Such employment must be based on only one contract except in the following two scenarios: 
  • Jobs in the agricultural sector where you may submit two employment contracts with two different employers and in two different fields.  Each contract must be valid for at least sixth months of employment.
  • The development of activites in the same occupation, working part time and simultaneously for more than one employer.  You may submit multiple contracts adding up to at least 30 hours a week with a duration of at least a year.  
3. Have family ties with other foreign residents or submit an administrative report (informe de arraigo) issued by the Autonomous Community where the applicant resides, accrediting the
applicant´s social integration in Spain.  The applicant will receive the report within one month after the request.  In this case, family members may only be the applicant´s spouse, registered partner, or ascendants and descendants of the first degree.  In cases where the applicant has applied for an arraigo social through requesting the corresponding administrative report, the applicant must also submit proof of municipal registry in Spain (empadronamiento), proof of sufficient economic means, proof of family ties in Spain and proof of participation in labor market social insertion programs, or CEPI course certificate.

  • Arraigo Familiar- Mother or father of a minor with Spanish nationality provided that whichever parent applying lives with the child and is responsible for him.  Children of parent´s originally of Spanish origin may also apply for an arraigo familiar.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal