jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Autorización de residencia temporal: razones humanitarias

El artículo 126 de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000, sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración social, recoge aquellos supuestos en los que se podrá conceder una autorización de residencia temporal por razones humanitarias.

Uno de esos supuestos es el de aquellos extranjeros que hayan sido víctimas de alguno de los delitos tipificados en los artículos 311 a 315, 511.1 y 512 del Código Penal, así como de delitos en los que haya concurrido la circunstancia agravante de comisión por motivos racistas, antisemitas o de otra clase de discriminación tipificada en el artículo 22.4 del Código Penal, o incluso de delitos por conductas violentas ejercidas en el entorno familiar, siempre que haya recaído resolución judicial que haya puesto fin al procedimiento judicial.

También podrá concederse dicha autorización, a los extranjeros que [acrediten sufrir una enfermedad sobrevenida de carácter grave que requiera asistencia sanitaria especializada, no accesible en su país de origen, y que el hecho de ser interrumpida o de no recibirla suponga un grave riesgo para la salud o la vida]. Para acreditar la necesidad será preciso presentar informe clínico expedido por la autoridad sanitaria correspondiente.

Por último, también optarán a la autorización los extranjeros que acrediten que su traslado al país del que son originarios o proceden, implica un peligro para su seguridad o la de su familia, en el caso de que reúnan el resto de los requisitos.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015


On the Secretariat of State Public Administrations website (www.map.es) you may access all up-to-date and official information from the ministry regarding immigration.  While in other countries these proceedings may be found at the foreign minsitry, in Spain it is found in the Sede de Administraciones Públicas.

If you would like to contact authorities to resolve any doubts you may have regarding nationality, residency permits, renewals etc., you may consult the website for their telephone number.  In general, this website will grant you access to all relative information regarding immigration procedures.


Translated by: Katherine Pascal

El TS anula cuatro artículos de la normativa sobre los CIES

El pasado mes de enero conocíamos el contenido de la sentencia de la Sala Tercera del Tribunal Supremo que anulaba cuatro artículos del Reglamento de los CIES (7.3.2, 16.2.K, 21.3, y 55.2) tras admitir parcialmente los recursos presentados por SOS Racismo, Federación Andalucía Acoge y la Asociación Proderechos Humanos. La misma exigía habilitar en los CIES alojamientos separados para las familias de inmigrantes que se encontraban a la espera de ser expulsados para garantizar un grado adecuado de intimidad, de conformidad con lo establecido en la Directiva Europea aprobada en 2008.

Según el Alto Tribunal se estaba contradiciendo dicha directiva europea, la cual reconoce el derecho de las familias internadas en espera de expulsión a que se les facilite alojamiento separado que garantice un grado adecuado de intimidad. Sin embargo, en nuestra normativa tan sólo se planteaba la estancia separada para familias como una posibilidad y no como una obligatoriedad de la administración.

Además, según el Tribunal Supremo, no solo se estaba contraviniendo la Directiva Europea, si no también lo dispuesto en la propia ley de Extranjería del año 2000, en aspectos tales como permitir los registros personales incluso con desnudo integral. En este sentido se establecían dos supuestos diferenciados: por razones de seguridad o por existencia de motivos que hiciesen creer que el interno pudiera esconder objetos o sustancias prohibidas.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

MAP EXTRANJERIA - Sede del Ministerio

En la web de la Secretaría de Estado de Administraciones Públicas (www.map.es) puede acceder a toda la información oficial y actualizada del Ministerio en área de extranjería, lo que en otros paises se centra en el Ministerio de Extranjería, aquí en España se encuentra en la Sede de Administraciones Públicas.

Si desea contactar en la web encontrará un teléfono de extranejería donde poder resolver sus dudas sobre la nacionalidad, permisos, renovaciones etc, en generl sobre tendrás acceso a toda la información sobre los trámites de extranjería.


martes, 21 de abril de 2015


If you have completed a university degree in your country of origin, you may authorize it so that it is deemed valid in Spain.

In order to begin the authorization process for your foreign university issued degree, you must submit all required documentation at the Registry Offices of the General State Administration or in the corresponding Autonomous Community.  You must submit the following documentation:

  • Certified copy of passport bearing your name and nationality
  • Certified copy of the degree that you plan to authorize in Spain along with an academic certificate specifically stating information related to fields and hours of study
  • Corresponding adminstrative bank fees 

You may also certify other non-university degrees that you have obtained in your country of origin so that they may be valid in Spain.  You must follow the aforementioned steps and submit all official documentation issued by competent authorities.

If you have any further questions or doubts, please don´t hesitate to contact us at our Barcelona office.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal

¿Cómo homologar mi título universitario en España?

Si usted ha finalizado algún tipo de formación se carácter universitario en su país de origen y quiere que su título universitario goce de validez en España, puede hacerlo homologando su título.

Para tramitar dicha homologación es necesario que presente la documentación necesaria a efectos de acreditar el título expedido por la Universidad extranjera en la que haya cursado la formación en el Registro de la Administración General del Estado o la Comunidad autónoma que corresponda. Dicha documentación es la siguiente: copia compulsada que demuestre tanto su identidad como su nacionalidad, copia compulsada del título que pretende que sea homologado así como una certificación académica en la que se haga constar cierta información relacionada con el título que ha obtenido así como hacer constar las diferentes especialidades (si las hubiere) u horas lectivas.

Además, a parte de presentar la referida documentación, deberá efectuar el pago de las tasas administrativas correspondientes.

Del mismo modo que puede convalidar titulaciones universitarias, también puede homologar otro tipo de títulos que no tengan carácter universitario y que haya obtenido en su país de origen. Para ello, de nuevo, deberá presentar los documentos que con carácter oficial expida la autoridad competente.

Si desea aclarar algún aspecto puede contactar con nuestro despacho en Barcelona.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015


There is no standard within International Law that obligates EU Member States to allow foreign nationals into their country.  For this reason we must turn to Immigration Law for regulations regarding the entry of foreigners in Spain.  Except in special situations, there is a list of obligatory requirements that all foreigners must fulfil before entering the country.  However, once the requirements are fulfilled, it is up to competent authorities to allow foreigners official entry into the country.

Article 12.4 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states the following: ¨No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own country,¨.  However, it does not make any reference to the entry of foreign nationals among the member states.  This is not explicitly stated in the Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms either, however, it is touched upon in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) stating that each member state has the freedom to regulate the entry of foreigners.  This is also reiterated by Spanish jurisprudence.

Immigrant entry regulation policy has become increasingly more important as a consequence of the increase of competent authorities being affected throughout the EU.  Within this frame work we must consult the rules and regulations concerning the Schengen Area that cover the fundamental principles of the laws regarding the entry of member state nationals throughout the
European Union.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015


Immigration Professionals

Employed Work and Residence Authorization

To be granted an initial residence and work permit, while keeping in mind the national employment situation, the employer must submit an application for a vacant position in the company to foreigner from a third country.  This must be submitted before competent authorities along with a signed employment contract and all other required documentation.

Once all requirements are fulfilled, immigration authorities will issue the permit to the foreigner.  The foreigner must request the corresponding visa and once in Spain, must register with social security as a paid employee.

Highly Qualified Personnel

Spain has designed a way that allows for the mobility and transfer of highly qualified personnel from outside of the EU in response to companies who require the employment of such workers.  These workers may obtain a residence and work permit that is valid in any part of the country, as long as the work relationship adheres to the following:

  • Managerial staff or highly qualified personnel in a business or business group when the company meets one of the following:
  1. Average labor force greater than 250 workers in Spain who are also registered in the social security system during the three months immediately before submitting the application.
  2. Net turnover greater than 50 million euros in Spain, and total equity and shareholders equity greater than 43 million euros.
  3. Gross annual investment, no less than 1 million euros in the last three years prior to submitting the application.
  4. Companies with stock investment greater than three million euros in the Exterior Investment Registry of the Ministry of Economy and Competetiveness.
  5. Relation to a strategic sector for small or medium-sized companies established in Spain.

  • Managerial staff or highly qualified personnel working on a business project considered to be of general interest.  The company must fulfil one of the following:
  1. A significant increase in the direct creation of jobs on part of the company submitting the request for recruitment.
  2. Maintenance of employment.
  3. A significant increase in job creation in the activity sector or the geographical area where they are planning to develop the economic activity. 
  4. An extraordinary investment with socioeconomic impact relevant to the geographical area where the economic activity is going to be developed.
  5. The agreement on points of interest on commercial policy and the investment in Spain.
  6. A relevant contribution to scientific innovation and/or technology.

  • Graduates or postgraduates from universities or business schools of recognized prestige.

The Provision of Transnational Services

This covers those situations where foreign workers, who are not from the European Union or the European Economic Area, are temporarily moving to an employment center in Spain.  One of the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Submit a contract underlining provision of services.  This may be done on the account of the foreigner or the foreign company.
  • Associate with work centers of the same company in Spain or with different companies within the same business group.
  • If hiring highly qualified personnel it must be for supervision or advising of services that the company branch in Spain plans to carry out.

Merchant navy corporations hiring flying personnel with the intention of developing training activites in Spain are specifically excluded from this worker movement authorization.

This residence and work authorization is limited to only one occupation and territory with a one-year term limit.

In order to be granted the residence and work permit, the following must be fulfiled:

  • The foreign worker may not be in an irregular situation of stay in Spain
  • He may not have any criminal record
  • The national employment situation must allow for such employee displacement
  • The worker being hired must have a regular position in the company that is transferring him to Spain.
  • The worker must have participated in the development of the activity to be carried out in Spain for at least one year and must have been employed by the company for at least nine months.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Entrada de los extranjeros en territorio nacional

No existe ninguna norma dentro del ámbito del Derecho internacional que obligue a los Estados a admitir el ingreso en su territorio de nacionales de otros países. Es por ello, que debemos acudir tanto a la Ley de Extranjería como a su Reglamento, ya que salvo excepciones, establecen una serie de requisitos que obligatoriamente deberán cumplir los extranjeros que pretendan entrar en España. No obstante, una vez cumplidas tales exigencias, deberán las autoridades competentes permitir su entrada.

El Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y políticos, prevé en su art. 12. 4 la imposibilidad de privar del derecho de entrada a los nacionales del propio país, pero nada dice respecto a los súbditos de otro Estado. Por su parte, el Convenio para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales, no se pronuncia expresamente; si bien, el TEDH, ha confirmado en distintas sentencias, la libertad de los Estados para regular la entrada de extranjeros. Esta postura también es reiterada por la jurisprudencia española.

Además, cabe decir que como consecuencia del incremento de competencias asumidas por la Unión Europea, su regulación ha ido adquiriendo una especial importancia. En ese marco destacan fundamentalmente las diversas normas relativas al Espacio Schengen, así como otra serie de textos sobre cuestiones diversas.

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015


Arraigo Residence Permits

Under the category of temporary residence permits on the grounds of exceptional circumstances, foreigners may obtain the following residence permits for social integration (arraigo):

  • Arraigo laboral- This procedure applies to foreigners who have legally and continuously resided in Spain for at least two years, have no criminal record, and can prove to have worked for at least six months. 
  • Social- This procedure applies to foreigners who have legally and continuously resided in Spain for at least three years.  They must fulfil the following three requirements:

  1. Have no criminal record
  2. Submit a work contract signed by both the employer and the employee with the application. The contract must be good for at least one year.  Such employment must be based on only one contract except in the following two scenarios: 
  • Jobs in the agricultural sector where you may submit two employment contracts with two different employers and in two different fields.  Each contract must be valid for at least sixth months of employment.
  • The development of activites in the same occupation, working part time and simultaneously for more than one employer.  You may submit multiple contracts adding up to at least 30 hours a week with a duration of at least a year.  
3. Have family ties with other foreign residents or submit an administrative report (informe de arraigo) issued by the Autonomous Community where the applicant resides, accrediting the
applicant´s social integration in Spain.  The applicant will receive the report within one month after the request.  In this case, family members may only be the applicant´s spouse, registered partner, or ascendants and descendants of the first degree.  In cases where the applicant has applied for an arraigo social through requesting the corresponding administrative report, the applicant must also submit proof of municipal registry in Spain (empadronamiento), proof of sufficient economic means, proof of family ties in Spain and proof of participation in labor market social insertion programs, or CEPI course certificate.

  • Arraigo Familiar- Mother or father of a minor with Spanish nationality provided that whichever parent applying lives with the child and is responsible for him.  Children of parent´s originally of Spanish origin may also apply for an arraigo familiar.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal


All foreigners who intend to carry out studies, conduct research or participate in an internship program in Spain for a period of more than 6 months must request a student visa.  Upon arrival in Spain, the student must request the corresponding student residence card that is valid for one year. If the student wishes to extend their studies after the first year, then they must apply for the student residence card renewal.

What are the complications that may arise when applying for the renewal?

Applying for the renewal can be complicated and may be rejected in the following scenarios:
  • If the student has not passed all of his courses and corresponding exams.
  • If the student changes his area of studies to something other than what is specifically stated in his acceptance letter.  Students may only study the course, degree or master for which he was admitted and issued the student visa in the first place.
  • If the student changes universities or learning centers.  The original student residence card is linked to the study or research center where the student originally planned on carrying out his studies.  For this reason, if the student wants to renew that same card, he must stay in the same educational establishment.
  • If the student fails to provide sufficient proof of funds to cover all living expenses in Spain.
  • If the students uses his student residence card as a work permit.  Immigration officials can check to see if students have worked illegally using their student residence card.  If the student has worked illegally, then their renewal application may be rejected.


The New Law for Entrepreneurs has made the process of hiring highly qualified personnel much easier. Before the law was put into effect, the options for hiring highly qualified foreigners required excessive documentation and financial solvency that had to be presented in person by a company representative. Administration also had up to three months to come to a decision and notify the company.

Many companies ran into problems before the New Law for Entrpreneurs came into effect in 2013 because if they chose to hire a foreigner who has not lived in Spain for three consecutive years, then that foreigner was subject to the national employment situation, thus not guaranteeing immigration approval. It was also difficult to hire foreigners currently living outside of Spain.

The New Law for Entrepreneurs has simplified the process of hiring highly qualified personnel. Foreigners residing inside as well as outside of Spain may apply. The amount of documentation required upon submitting the application has been reduced significantly and the company has the option to authorize another person to submit the application on their behalf. Administration will come to a decision and notify the company in only 20 days.

If the foreigner is residing outside of Spain, after being approved he must request the corresponding residence visa at the Spanish consulate where he resides. If the foreigner is currently residing in Spain, then he does not need to request a new visa and may apply for his residence and work permit immediately.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Tarjeta de residencia comunitaria

Tarjeta de residencia comunitaria
La solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia comunitaria puede ser realizada por aquellos familiares de ciudadanos españoles o nacionales de otros Estados de la Unión Europea que no ostenten la nacionalidad de los mismos. El motivo de la solicitud debe ser la de reunirse con su familiar o querer residir en España durante un periodo superior a tres meses.

La tarjeta comunitaria para los familiares la realizará el ciudadano español en la oficina de extranjería correspondiente a su provincia o en la comisaría de policía. Se otorga un plazo de tres meses desde la llegada de los familiares al territorio español. Puesto que la Administración tarda aproximadamente unos tres meses en otorgar la tarjeta de residencia comunitaria definitiva, se entregará un resguardo provisional como certificado de que el procedimiento de solicitud de la tarjeta está en proceso, lo que querrá decir que se está residiendo de forma legal. Para realizar la solicitud, junto al impreso oficial facilitado por la Administración, se tendrán que acreditar los vínculos familiares y aportar los datos que la identifican. Además, habrá que pagar las tasas administrativas correspondientes.

Una vez expedida, la tarjeta de residencia tendrá una validez de cinco años.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


Competent immigration administrative authorities may deport foreigners who are residing in Spain illegally.  While waiting for trial, the judge may choose to send the foreigner to an internment camp.

Not all immigrants are sent to internment camps while waiting for trial.  The judge may decide to handle the situation differently under special circumstances when dealing with family, arraigo social, or in cases where the foreigner proves to have lawful means of livlihood.  In these cases, the police may adopt other precautionary measures in order to ensure previous objectives are seen through. In some cases for example officers may choose to take away the immigrant´s passport or official nationality document or, in other cases, may require the foreigner to periodically meet with an administrative authority before his trial date.

Immigrants may stay in an internment camp for a maximum of 40 days and may only re-enter if a new case file is opened.

Do you have any questions regarding an expulsion order?  Please don´t hesitate to contact our lawyers as we can clarify your doubts and help resolve your case.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal


Appeals against immigration decisions are common when looking to resolve the problematic situations in which our clients find themselves.  Our law firm presents one of the following appeals depending on the situation:

  • An appeal for rejection of a residence and work permit through arraigo
  • A higher level appeal before the administration
  • An appeal for amendment before the administration in cases where the anterior appeal is not accepted.
  • A contentious-administrative appeal before the court within two months of the decision made by the administration.
  • An appeal presented before the Superior Court in cases where the anterior appeal is not accepted.
  • An appeal for annulment before the Supreme Court.
  • An appeal for protection before the Constitutional Court.

We will protect our clients when we see that their legal status in our country is in jeopardy.  We offer our services to those experiencing complications in the following areas of immigration: permit renewals, residence permits through arraigo, student permits, long-term residence permits, obtaining visas, nationality, border rejections and deportations, CIES internment camps (immigrant internment camps)...

It must be understood that in the most serious and urgent circumstances it may be necessary to take all precautionary measures before the competent authorities to avoid being seriously wronged.

For this reason, we are at our clients disposal 365 days a year which allows them to communicate with us throughout the entire process.  We are a team of professionals dedicated to immigration law and we provide our clients with a comfortable atmosphere in which they can obtain all the information that they need, clarify their doubts, and find the best way to settle their immigration situation.  

Translated by: Katherine Pascal

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Internamiento en un CIE

Internamiento en un CIE
La autoridad administrativa competente en extranjería puede decretar la expulsión de un extranjero que se encuentra en situación irregular en el territorio nacional. Para facilitar la asistencia al juicio correspondiente y, en su caso, la posterior expulsión el Juez puede decidir el internamiento en Centro de Internamiento de Extranjeros.

No siempre se produce el internamiento del extranjero en un centro si no que existen situaciones en las que el Juez deniega esta medida en atención a las circunstancias familiares, arraigo social o medios de vida lícitos del extranjero. En estos casos, la policía puede adoptar otras medidas cautelares con el fin de asegurar los objetivos anteriores. Dentro de estas medidas se encuentran la de la retirada del pasaporte o documento que acredite la nacionalidad del extranjero o la presentación ante la autoridad administrativa periódicamente.

En el supuesto en que haya existido internamiento, el tiempo máximo durante el que se puede permanecer en el centro es de 40 días y un nuevo reingreso solo se podrá realizar en el caso en que se abra un nuevo expediente.

¿Tienes dudas sobre una orden de expulsión? Ponte en contacto con nuestros abogados y te resolverán tus dudas.

martes, 7 de abril de 2015


In 2012 healthcare reforms recalled insurance cards previously given to immigrants in irregular stay situations in Spain (not including children and pregnant women), allowing them access only to emergency services.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services & Equality declared their intention to provide immigrants in irregular situations with the healthcare they previously had, allowing them to enjoy primary healthcare services within the National Healthcare System. However, this does not mean that they will be given a healthcare card like other Spanish citizens or foreign nationals who previously had them prior to the healthcare reform of 2012.

No other country in the European Union provides irregular immigrants with healthcare cards, and for that reason, Spain has decided against it as well.

Despite the protests and demonstrations, which are positive for the cause, there is no further information regarding the provision of healthcare services to immigrants in irregular situations.  We also don´t know yet if prescription medications and diagnostic tests will be included in the provided healthcare services.

Translated by: Katherine Pascal

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Atención sanitaria a inmigrantes irregulares

Atención sanitaria a inmigrantes irregulares
En el año 2012 la reforma sanitaria llevada a cabo en nuestro país supuso la retirada de la tarjeta sanitaria a los inmigrantes en situación irregular lo que suponía que estos solo tuvieran acceso a los servicios de urgencias, con la excepción de los niños y las mujeres embarazadas.

El Ministro de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad en estos últimos días ha realizado unas declaraciones en las que mantenía la intención de que los inmigrantes en situación irregular recobren el derecho a disfrutar de la atención sanitaria primaria dentro del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Sin embargo, ello no significa que recuperen la tarjeta sanitaria como el resto de ciudadanos de nuestro país y de la que disponían hasta la reforma sanitaria de 2012.

La razón de la no devolución de la tarjeta sanitaria reside en el hecho de que la misma supondría una situación que no es comparable con ninguno de los países de nuestro entorno.

A pesar de estas manifestaciones, que suponen una buena noticia, no se tiene más información acerca de cómo se dispensarán estos servicios y si los mismos incluirán la preinscripción de medicamentos o la realización de pruebas hospitalarias.